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Summer Activity Safety Tips
Summer is upon us! Many summer activities, such as horseback riding, boating, water skiing, and surfing are known as “inherently dangerous activities”. With social distancing guidelines gradually opening up, take a moment to consider these summer activity safety tips before diving into fun.
Research the Facility
Check online to see whether the facilities offering your favourite summer activities have positive safety reviews. Ensure that you are using companies who will not put your safety at risk by cutting corners. Your safety is the top priority, and protecting your safety requires you to be diligent in selecting the provider of your summer activities.
Prepare Your Equipment
Some facilities may provide all of the safety gear your need, either included in the cost, or for a premium. Take the time to find out what safety equipment is provided, and what equipment you will need to supply for yourself. Not only does this save you time by not being turned away at the door, but it further informs you about the level of precaution required in order to enjoy these summer activities safely.
Check the Waiver
Activities such as horseback riding offer a sense of adventure; however, they come with risks. Facilities that offer these services will often have you sign a waiver in advance. Louis has previously written about waivers for inherently dangerous activities, this blog can be found here.
These waivers work to remove liability from the facility. Usually, people get in the habit of signing waivers without reading them carefully, much like the “Terms and Conditions” page on websites. It is important not to fall into this habit when engaging in inherently dangerous activities. The waiver may make it much more difficult to receive damages for injuries suffered, or even waive your right to sue entirely. These waivers may include conditions that you would not accept if you were aware of them. If you do not feel comfortable with the waiver, do not sign it.
Understand Your Risks
Take time to understand what risks are right for you. If you are excited to try out a new activity, but you are not comfortable waiving your rights upon injury, consider whether that activity is a good fit. You will be able to enjoy the activity to the fullest when you feel comfortable and safe with the risks.
If you are injured while participating in an inherently dangerous activity, speak to a personal injury lawyer at McKenzie Lake Lawyers LLP by calling (519) 672-5666.
Contact Louis DelSignore, Personal Injury Lawyer at McKenzie Lake Lawyers