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Fundamental Flaws in Injury and Disability Law | Part One: Let’s Talk About Fair
Did you know that you have very limited rights to sue if you were involved in a car accident where someone else is at fault?
Did you know that in most cases you cannot sue your employer if you are injured at work? Even if you are so seriously injured you will never work again?
Did you know that if you have a serious injury or illness and are on Long Term Disability, in most circumstances, the Government must pay you first, before your private disability benefits?
One thing is for certain if you have been seriously injured or are suffering from a disability of any kind you will not be treated fairly by any form of insurance. Period.
The whole system is set up against you. Each step in the process will be an uphill battle. You will face denials, insurance medical assessments, and unfathomable amounts of stress that only someone who has been through this process will be able to relate to.
All of the insurance systems currently in place to protect the injured and disabled are fundamentally flawed. These are systems that are supposedly set up to protect the most vulnerable. I am talking about Accident Benefits, Short and Long Term Disability Benefits, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Benefits, and the limited rights attached to who can sue after being injured in a car accident.
Most people think they are protected. They think that they are covered if something should happen to them be it a car accident, a serious injury, or even a serious illness. The truth is, this is rarely the reality.
The worst part is, most find out that they are not protected only after an illness or injury occurs and there is nothing they can do about it.
Stay tuned for a deeper look into these seriously flawed systems.