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5 Tips for Preparing for the London Summer Job Recruit Written By Articling Student Hannah Robbins

With the start of the new year, law students looking to work in London are preparing for the summer job recruit. As with anything, preparedness is the key to success. I’ve compiled a list of 5 tips that I felt made a positive difference during my own experience interviewing in London. 

1. Research the Firm that You’re Applying For 

Before you send in your application, get to know the firm you’re applying to. Are they full-service or a boutique? What type of work is the firm known for? How big is the firm? Spend some time looking at the their website, reading the lawyer bios, and checking out the firm’s social media platforms. All of these outlets are invaluable sources of information that will help you decide where to apply and how to tailor your application. 

2. Reach Out and Show Interest! 

Once you’ve done some basic research, reach out! Chat with the lawyers and students about their work. Get to know what a day in the life of a student looks like. Reaching out shows interest and could help you make a decision if you receive competing offers. 

3. Why London? 

London is great place to live and work. When preparing your application, make sure to consider why you want to be here. Maybe you are from the area, and want to stay close to home. Perhaps one of the firms offers a unique practice group that you’re really interested in. You will be asked this question in an interview. 

4. What to Expect if you Get an Interview 

London is unique in that it doesn’t participate in “OCI’s”. If you get a call on call-day, you’ll go straight to in-firm interviews. Excitingly, this year McKenzie Lake will be returning to in-person interviews! 

Your first interview will be for 45 minutes with 2-3 lawyers from various practice groups. If the firm wants to speak to you again, you may be asked back for a second interview for about 30 minutes. You may also be invited to a reception or a firm tour. 

5. Don’t Overlook your Interests and Individuality 

Your interests and personality are an asset! Don’t be afraid to let your true colours shine during your interview. It may be useful to think about the interview more like a conversation, and less like a formal question-period. 

This article was written by Articling Student Hannah Robbins and Personal Injury Lawyer Lisa Fraser. For more information on McKenzie Lake’s Articling and Summer experience, please visit our student page.