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How to Franchise Your Business
Daniel So, chair of McKenzie Lake’s Franchise Law Group will be speaking on November 9th, 2015 at the Canadian Franchise Association’s “How to Franchise Your Business” seminar in Vancouver, British Columbia. He will be speaking on the legal issues facing emergent franchisors, including the types of legal documents required, intellectual property protection, other legislation affecting franchising, and how franchising works.
For more information, please contact Daniel So at 1.800.261.4844 x307 or click here for more information from the Canadian Franchise Association.
The Franchise Law Group at McKenzie Lake Lawyers LLP represents mature and emergent franchisors in all stages of their development. If you would like to speak with us about the prospect of franchising your business, expanding your franchised system, or it you would like a copy of the Powerpoint presentation that will be used at this event, we would be happy to hear from you.